Joystick Magazine 7
Joystick Magazine 07.iso
Xconq 7.0.1
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Text File
542 lines
(game-module "empire"
(title "Empire")
(blurb "The classic big economic/military game")
(world-seen false)
(see-all false)
("Only One Winner" one-winner true
(scorekeeper (do last-side-wins))
("More Starters" more-starters true
(add harbor start-with 1)
(unit-type infantry (image-name "infantry"))
(unit-type motor-infantry (image-name "infantry"))
(unit-type mech-infantry (image-name "infantry"))
(unit-type marines (image-name "infantry"))
(unit-type security (image-name "infantry"))
(unit-type cavalry (image-name "cavalry"))
(unit-type light-armor (image-name "tank"))
(unit-type armor (image-name "tank"))
(unit-type heavy-armor (image-name "tank"))
(unit-type artillery (image-name "artillery"))
(unit-type light-artillery (image-name "artillery"))
(unit-type heavy-artillery (image-name "artillery"))
(unit-type mech-artillery (image-name "artillery"))
(unit-type aa (image-name "flak"))
(unit-type supply (image-name "truck"))
(unit-type engineers (image-name "engineers"))
(unit-type mech-engineers (image-name "engineers"))
(unit-type mobile-radar (image-name "radar"))
(define infantry-types (infantry motor-infantry mech-infantry marines security))
(define armor-types (light-armor armor heavy-armor))
(define artillery-types (artillery light-artillery heavy-artillery mech-artillery aa))
(define ground-types
(append infantry-types cavalry armor-types artillery-types
supply engineers mech-engineers mobile-radar
(add ground-types acp-per-turn 2)
(unit-type fishing-boat (image-name "ap"))
(unit-type cargo-ship (image-name "ap"))
(unit-type tanker (image-name "ap"))
(unit-type ore-ship (image-name "ap"))
(unit-type slave-ship (image-name "ap"))
(unit-type troop-transport (image-name "ap"))
(unit-type landing-craft (image-name "ap"))
(unit-type torpedo-boat (image-name "dd"))
(unit-type destroyer (image-name "dd"))
(unit-type frigate (image-name "dd"))
(unit-type light-cruiser (image-name "ca"))
(unit-type heavy-cruiser (image-name "ca"))
(unit-type battleship (image-name "bb"))
(unit-type light-carrier (image-name "cv"))
(unit-type escort-carrier (image-name "cv"))
(unit-type carrier (image-name "cv"))
(unit-type missile-frigate (image-name "dd"))
(unit-type missile-cruiser (image-name "ca"))
(unit-type submarine (image-name "sub"))
(unit-type asw-cruiser (image-name "ca"))
(unit-type minesweeper (image-name "ap"))
(define production-ship-types (fishing-boat))
(define material-transport-ship-types (cargo-ship tanker ore-ship slave-ship))
(define transport-ship-types (troop-transport landing-craft))
(define surface-combat-ship-types
(torpedo-boat destroyer frigate light-cruiser heavy-cruiser battleship))
(define carrier-ship-types
(light-carrier escort-carrier carrier))
(define air-combat-ship-types
(light-carrier escort-carrier carrier missile-frigate missile-cruiser))
(define ship-types
(append production-ship-types material-transport-ship-types
transport-ship-types surface-combat-ship-types air-combat-ship-types
submarine asw-cruiser minesweeper
(add ship-types acp-per-turn 4)
(unit-type fighter-1 (image-name "fighter"))
(unit-type fighter-2 (image-name "fighter"))
(unit-type escort (image-name "fighter"))
(unit-type naval-fighter (image-name "fighter"))
(unit-type light-bomber (image-name "4e"))
(unit-type medium-bomber (image-name "4e"))
(unit-type heavy-bomber (image-name "4e"))
(unit-type transport (image-name "4e"))
(unit-type attack-helicopter (image-name "helicopter"))
(unit-type transport-helicopter (image-name "cargo-chopper"))
(unit-type recon-plane (image-name "4e"))
(unit-type asw-plane (image-name "4e"))
(unit-type missile (image-name "missile"))
(unit-type icbm (image-name "icbm"))
(unit-type sam (image-name "missile"))
(unit-type abm (image-name "missile"))
(define fighter-types (fighter-1 fighter-2 escort naval-fighter))
(define bomber-types (light-bomber medium-bomber heavy-bomber))
(define helicopter-types (attack-helicopter transport-helicopter))
(define missile-types (missile icbm sam abm))
(define plane-types
(append fighter-types
recon-plane asw-plane
(add plane-types acp-per-turn 8)
(add missile-types acp-per-turn 1)
(unit-type small-nuke (image-name "bomb"))
(unit-type medium-nuke (image-name "bomb"))
(unit-type large-nuke (image-name "bomb"))
(define nuke-types (small-nuke medium-nuke large-nuke))
(add nuke-types acp-per-turn 1)
;; The remaining types are actually "sector types" in Empire, but
;; they work better as cell-filling unit types in Xconq.
;; Bridges can be highways over water, not needed as units.
(unit-type radar (image-name "radar") (char ")")
(help "fixed radar station - has a long-range view"))
(unit-type mines (image-name "minefield")
(help "useful for blocking land and sea passages"))
(define inert-types (radar mines))
(add inert-types acp-per-turn 0)
(unit-type agribusiness (image-name "farm") (char "a"))
(unit-type oil-field (image-name "oil-derrick") (char "o"))
(unit-type oil-platform (image-name "oil-derrick"))
(unit-type mine (image-name "iron-mine") (char "m"))
(unit-type gold-mine (image-name "gold-mine") (char "g"))
(unit-type uranium-mine (image-name "uranium-mine") (char "u"))
(unit-type technical-center (image-name "facility") (char "t"))
(unit-type fortress (image-name "facility") (char "f"))
(unit-type research-lab (image-name "facility") (char "r"))
(unit-type nuclear-plant (image-name "facility") (char "n"))
(unit-type library/school (image-name "facility") (char "l"))
(unit-type enlistment (image-name "facility") (char "e"))
(unit-type headquarters (image-name "facility") (char "!"))
(unit-type harbor (image-name "port") (char "h"))
(unit-type airfield (image-name "airbase") (char "*"))
(unit-type refinery (image-name "facility") (char "%"))
(unit-type lcm-factory (image-name "facility") (char "j"))
(unit-type hcm-factory (image-name "facility") (char "k"))
(unit-type defense-plant (image-name "facility") (char "d"))
(unit-type shell-industry (image-name "facility") (char "i"))
(unit-type warehouse (image-name "facility") (char "w"))
(unit-type bank (image-name "bank") (char "b"))
(define facility-types
(agribusiness oil-field oil-platform mine gold-mine uranium-mine
technical-center fortress research-lab nuclear-plant library/school enlistment headquarters
harbor airfield refinery lcm-factory hcm-factory defense-plant shell-industry warehouse))
(add facility-types acp-per-turn 1)
(unit-type capital (image-name "city20") (char "c")
(help "center of the country"))
(add capital acp-per-turn 3)
;; Hit points are like effectiveness.
(add u* hp-max 100)
(material-type food (help "food"))
(material-type sh (help "shell"))
(material-type gun (help "guns"))
(material-type pet (help "petroleum"))
(material-type iron (help "iron ore"))
(material-type dust (help "gold dust"))
(material-type oil (help "crude oil"))
(material-type lcm (help "light construction materials"))
(material-type hcm (help "heavy construction materials"))
(material-type rad (help "rads"))
; also education and happiness here?
(material-type civ (help "civilians"))
(material-type mil (help "military"))
(material-type uw (help "uncompensated workers")
(help "slaves, really"))
(material-type gold (help "gold"))
(define raw (iron dust oil rad))
(define manufactures (food sh gun pet lcm hcm gold))
(define peoples (civ mil uw))
(add peoples people 1)
(terrain-type sea (char "."))
(terrain-type settled (image-name "clear") (char "-"))
(terrain-type wilderness (image-name "forest") (char "-"))
(terrain-type mountains (char "^"))
(terrain-type wasteland (char "/")
(help "uninhabitable due to radioactivity"))
(terrain-type highway (image-name "road") (char "+")
(subtype connection))
(define land (settled wilderness mountains wasteland highway))
;;; Static relationships.
;; Unit vs unit.
(table unit-capacity-x
;; Engineers can be inside any facility.
(facility-types (engineers mech-engineers) 1)
(add transport-ship-types capacity (6 3))
(add carrier-ship-types capacity (4 4 8))
(add headquarters capacity 8)
(add harbor capacity 8)
(add airfield capacity 8)
(add fortress capacity 8)
(add capital capacity 16)
(table unit-size-as-occupant
(u* u* 100)
(ground-types transport-ship-types 1)
(ground-types headquarters 1)
(ground-types fortress 1)
(ship-types harbor 1)
(naval-fighter carrier-ship-types 1)
(helicopter-types carrier-ship-types 1)
((recon-plane asw-plane) carrier-ship-types 1)
(plane-types airfield 1)
;; The capital has a bit of room for anything.
(u* capital 1)
(capital capital 100)
;; Unit vs terrain.
(table vanishes-on
(ground-types sea true)
(ship-types land true)
;; (allow radar and mines to be placed in the sea)
(facility-types sea true)
(capital sea true)
;; Oil platforms can only be placed in sea cells.
(oil-platform sea false)
(oil-platform land true)
;; Units normally die in wasteland.
(u* wasteland true)
;; Planes can fly over wasteland safely.
(plane-types wasteland false)
(add t* capacity 16)
(table unit-size-in-terrain
(u* t* 1)
;; Only fill 13/16 of the cell, so other units can pass through, but
;; don't let multiple facilities be in a cell.
(inert-types t* 13)
(facility-types t* 13)
(capital t* 13)
(table terrain-storage-x
;; Room for raw materials
(t* oil 100)
(t* iron 100)
(t* dust 10)
(t* rad 10)
;; Room for peoples
(settled peoples 999)
(table unit-storage-x
(ground-types food 10)
(artillery-types sh 100)
(ground-types mil 1)
(ship-types food 100)
;; Special-function ships.
(fishing-boat food 200)
(tanker oil 100)
(ore-ship iron 100)
(cargo-ship (sh gun lcm hcm) 100)
(facility-types food 30)
(facility-types civ 10)
;; Special-function facilities
(agribusiness food 150)
(ground-types pet 10)
(ship-types pet 100)
;; Warehouses have lots of room, but only for manufactured goods.
(warehouse manufactures 999)
;; Everything centers on the capital.
(capital m* 999)
;;; (really need generic capacities for cargo ships)
;;; Actions.
(table material-to-act
;; Ground units need soldiers to run them.
(ground-types mil 1)
;; Facilities all need civilians to run them.
(facility-types civ 1)
;;; Movement.
(add missile-types speed 30.00)
(add inert-types speed 0)
(add facility-types speed 0)
(add capital speed 0)
(table mp-to-enter-terrain
;; Don't let land units drown themselves.
(ground-types sea 99)
;;; Construction.
(add u* cp 6)
(table acp-to-create
(engineers facility-types 1)
(headquarters ground-types 1)
(harbor ship-types 1)
(airfield plane-types 1)
(capital engineers 1)
(table cp-on-creation
(engineers facility-types 1)
(headquarters ground-types 1)
(harbor ship-types 1)
(airfield plane-types 1)
(capital engineers 1)
(table acp-to-build
(engineers facility-types 1)
(headquarters ground-types 1)
(harbor ship-types 1)
(airfield plane-types 1)
(capital engineers 1)
(table cp-per-build
(engineers facility-types 1)
(headquarters ground-types 1)
(harbor ship-types 1)
(airfield plane-types 1)
(capital engineers 1)
;; need pet/lcm/hcm to build things also.
;;; Production (and consumption).
(table base-production
((agribusiness fishing-boat capital) food (100 50 20))
((oil-field oil-platform) oil 1) ; should be extraction really
((enlistment capital) mil 1)
(capital civ 1)
(refinery pet 1)
(table base-consumption
;; Everything eats food.
(u* food 1)
(agribusiness food 0) ; a hack
;; Capital is self-supporting, but has no excess.
(capital food 20)
;; Most hardware eats petroleum products.
(ship-types pet 1)
(plane-types pet 1)
;; Inert types don't consume anything at all.
(inert-types m* 0)
(table hp-per-starve
;; Going without food is potentially deadly.
(u* food 1.00)
;; Technology types really need their petroleum products.
(ship-types pet 1.00)
(plane-types pet 1.00)
(table out-length
;; Farming has a default supply infrastructure.
(agribusiness food 5)
;; Fishing fleets must rely on land systems to redistribute.
(fishing-boat food 1)
;; The oil business' support machinery can get the oil sent around.
(oil-field oil 5)
(oil-platform oil 5)
;; Civilians will tend to go where they're needed (looking for jobs).
(facility-types civ 2)
;; Warehouses are redistribution points.
(warehouse m* 5)
;; Capital will be generous with nearby needy units.
(capital m* 2)
(table in-length
;; Every type of unit that needs food can get it from an adjacent cell.
(u* food 1)
;; Civilians will tend to go where they're needed (looking for jobs).
(facility-types civ 2)
;; Warehouses are redistribution points.
(warehouse m* 5)
;; The capital always gets special service if it needs something.
(capital m* 5)
;;; Combat.
(table hit-chance
(infantry-types facility-types 100)
(infantry-types fortress 50)
(infantry-types capital 100)
(table damage
(infantry-types facility-types 2d20)
(infantry-types capital 2d10)
(table capture-chance
;; Most facilities can't prevent their own capture.
(infantry-types facility-types 100)
;; Fortresses are tough.
(infantry-types fortress 10)
(infantry-types capital 50)
(armor-types capital 70)
;; Nuclear detonation results in the destruction of units and the
;; creation of wasteland.
(add nuke-types acp-to-detonate 1)
;;; Terrain alteration.
(table acp-to-add-terrain
(engineers settled 1)
(engineers highway 1)
(table acp-to-remove-terrain
(engineers wilderness 1)
(engineers highway 1)
;;; Vision.
(add mobile-radar vision-range 6)
(add radar vision-range 8)
;;; Random setup.
;;; Everybody starts with just the one capital.
(add capital start-with 1)
(add (sea settled wilderness mountains) alt-percentile-min ( 0 70 70 95))
(add (sea settled wilderness mountains) alt-percentile-max ( 70 75 95 100))
(add t* wet-percentile-min 0)
(add t* wet-percentile-max 100)
(add settled wet-percentile-min 40)
(add settled wet-percentile-max 60)
(table favored-terrain
(u* t* 0)
(capital settled 100)
(facility-types settled 100)
;; A game's starting units will be full by default.
(table unit-initial-supply
(u* m* 9999)
;; ...but minimal soldiers.
(u* mil 1)
(table terrain-initial-supply
(t* oil 100)
(t* iron 100)
(t* dust 1) ; should be rare but high concentration randomly
(t* rad 1)
;; Allow many sides to play.
(set sides-min 1)
(set sides-max 30)
(game-module (instructions (
"Build up your country and materials."
"If you can't live in peace with your neighbors,"
"then be prepared to fight with them."
(game-module (design-notes (
"Scale is unimportant, this is an abstract game."
"This is not entirely like True Empire, but it has some of the feel;"
"and the complexity!"